Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Trisha-Ramya Rumors Like 'Fire'

Trisha and Ramya Krishna have been good buddies and they move around together. There have been a bunch of rumors surrounded them in recent times like ‘fire’ especially in Kollywood circuit as both are Tamil dames.

It is said that there is a split between Ramya Krishna and Trisha all of sudden due to some ’personal’ reasons. The supporting issue is that Trisha has shunned the offer given by Krishna Vamshi, the husband of Ramya Krishna, for a film. The film is ‘Mahatma’ which happens to be the 100th film of Srikanth. As Trisha is busy with other films she couldn’t make her call sheets available for Krishna Vamshi.

Pointing the same Trisha said that there is no split between her and Ramya Krishna and everything is going on fine. She only said that the call sheet problems made her keep away from Krishna Vamsi’s film but nothing else.

Right now Trisha is busy with 4 Tamil films and working simultaneously.

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